Thursday, June 07, 2018

The God who Provides

Jehovah Jireh.

The Lord Provides.

If you've ever been in any church setting you've probably heard this phrase uttered or spoken of. Jehovah Jireh roughly translates to "The Lord provides" and it has such deep meaning. In Biblical terms it its first mentioned in Genesis 22:14

 - "So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, 'On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided'" (NIV)

Abraham was referring to the sacrifice in place of his son, Issac. Long story short, Abraham and his wife Sarah finally were blessed with a child, Issac, after many years of praying. God gave them their son and then He asked for Abraham to sacrifice his son. Could you imagine?! Praying for years and years and God providing and then asking you to give up the one thing you've prayed for? I can't. It stresses me out to think about it. I can not imagine what was going through their minds and hearts when God told Abraham to take Issac to the mountain and sacrifice him! Insane.

In the moments before I'm sure Abraham was internally pleading with God to change his mind, to do something only to have to place his son on an alter they built together. Fortunately for Abraham and Issac right at the last second God provided a sacrifice in the bushes nearby. Can you imagine the relief that they both felt? It's a measure of extreme faith to strap your son to an alter and be ready to kill him because the Lord has called you to do that. The Lord didn't answer Abraham's pleas immediately, during the trip or even into the moments leading up to the alter they built. He literally provided at the time He deemed necessary.

I've heard this story many times over the course of my life and many times I've just glossed over it. It has so many deep theological meanings and it has a lot to say in our lives today. I've heard this story and I've heard the phrase "Jehovah Jireh; the God who provides," but never in my life have I fully experienced this until the last year or so of my life. I've experienced God providing answered prayers many times; provided financial support when it was needed for a mission trip (literally to the minutes right before I headed out). I've seen God provide for others in so many different ways but I've never seen God provide like he has recently in my life.

If you know anything about me; you know that I have an older model truck (1997 Chevy truck with a camper shell) that has given me a lot of problems over the last few years. Fortunately for me they have been issues that are easily resolvable. A busted radiator, moisture under my distributor causing the truck to not spark/run, broken taillights. Small issues. Thankfully I've been able to have easy fixes that do not cost much money (less than $50 in most cases). These fixes nickle and dime you quickly especially when you are not expecting them. No one; in my position, prepares for vehicle repairs. Ideally I'd have money set aside for vehicle repair, but let's be honest for a second.... I'm living paycheck to paycheck even though I have a good job with great benefits.

When you have a vehicle that has traveled over 370,000 miles all over the southeastern part of the country it's amazing it's still ticking. From Louisiana to and up to Ohio and everywhere in between my truck; or as we call it "Papaw", has lived an incredible life. Like many old things, Papaw has broken down and seen better days, even after its had so many parts replaced. Somehow he's kept on running for twenty one, let me say that again, 21 years!!! Most vehicles don't last that long!! How has this truck gone so long?!? I get asked this question a lot and I ask the same thing every time it breaks down on me. By the grace of God; that's for sure.

Over the last two years I've seen my truck break down at least five times due to moisture under the distributor cap and several times it overheated (before we found the HUGE crack in the radiator), also had to have the water pump replaced (thanks to a friend of mine). It's been annoying, it's been a hassle. I've had to ask for rides, ask for help changing parts, it's been embarrassing. It sucks when you're in your mid-thirties and have driven the same vehicle for sixteen years with so many problem. Even in all the random fixes I've been able to have a working vehicle that runs; barely some days. There have been days I just hoped and prayed it cranks and gets me to and from where I'm going whether that's work or church or the gym.

My truck has become a staple, people know where I am whenever they see my truck. It's not hard to recognize this truck; again if you know me, you know my truck. Me and Papaw go together like peanut butter & jelly; only not.There are very few recognizable vehicles like mine. You know where I am if you see the truck.

Though I've had so many years and I've been through many miles and road trips with this truck, and even with all the issues I've had I'm grateful for the truck. Even though when you meet me and then you see the type of vehicle I drive it takes you back and you may even let out a laugh or two because when you meet me I'm not the type of guy who should be driving a 1997 Chevrolet Silverado C1500. I mean really..... but you know what, that's my truck and it's been my source of transportation for the last 16 years.

 Recently (Friday last week), yet again I had some issues with my distributor; which I was not aware of what the issue was right away. I felt defeated, I felt abandoned, I felt like "this is it, this is where I HAVE to get a new vehicle". I had friends come give me a battery boost, that wasn't it. We ran a code reader on it and it said the O2 sensors were bad; just my luck, something I know nothing about. Thankfully after a little research and looking at my distributor I figured out that my rotor was bad & had been burnt from firing and misfiring since it was replaced last summer (like 9 months ago). It's not an expensive part but it still sucks to have to sink more money into a vehicle that may not last much longer. I have faith that Papaw could make it a few more months or years as long as I do regular oil changes and keep up with any maintenance it may need. As long as the parts and/or labor are not too expensive to justify.

Thank goodness for social media and technology because I was able to get the help I needed. This help included what I stated in the last paragraph. I also had some people in my church let me borrow a car for transportation until I got the truck up and running again. Thankfully I only had to borrow their car overnight and then give it back in less than 24 hours.

I had another church member reach out to me and checking on me and seeing how my truck was doing. He had previously helped me out with a ride home one time when my truck was dead and didn't know what was wrong. Through some facebook chat and a phone call that I honestly never would've expected He and his wife, who are amazing people and who embody what it truly means that "generosity changes lives".

Again, Jehovah Jireh has never, NEVER been more real in my life than this day. They have offered to give me an older car that they no longer need. Like, what?!? Are you serious, God PROVIDES!!!

I've been so worried and stressed about how I could afford a vehicle on my salary while living alone and having bills. I mean I am a single guy living alone I shouldn't have that many bills, but they add up. But when you pray and pray and pray and feel like they've just become empty prayers that are just floating around and that God has grown tired of hearing them; rest assure that He hears everyone of them. He does NOT answer your prayers on your time table, He answers them on HIS. I've had to remind myself that many times over the last several months. He provides answers; whether its yes, no or "just wait". We are people who do not want to wait, we want things NOW. That's why we have mobile ordering, online ordering, 2 day shipping, etc.

Often times God provides and answers prayers when we least expect it. That was the phone call I got. It was not expected. When the husband reached out to me to check on me I just assumed he was going to check on me and make sure I was mobile again, or maybe he knew someone who could help or maybe had a cheaper car for sell. I don't think I could have prepared myself to hear the words he spoke to me over the phone. I literally began shaking and stood speechless in my kitchen.

Picture it, I'm in my kitchen having a conversation about what I fixed; even if temporarily, on my truck and little did I know what would come out of the conversation. I'll be honest; I didn't know what to say.... like how do you respond? Do you say yes right off the bat? Should I say yes, No, what?! How do I even begin to think about repaying them for the generosity they've shown me? Do I need to pay them, work for them, etc? How can I ever begin to repay them for such a great gesture?

I had so many questions running through my mind for a good hour after that conversation; many of which were not that important in the long run (insurance costs, title transfer fees, etc). In the long run those things will not matter.

I've spent the last few days just in awe and amazement of how great God is and no matter how much we want answers instantly He's listening and is working everything out. It may sound crazy to not say "Yes" right away but I hesitated. Why? Honestly I'm not sure but I knew that this was definitely a God thing. I could have never expected this. I could never assume that this would be the answer to my prayers. I wasn't sure how I felt about it all. Of course I was very appreciative and thankful to this couple for reaching out and offering me this awesome opportunity. I was not prepared for this answered prayer. Why did I hesitate; I think for me it was because I was in total shock. I wanted to justify that my truck was fine and that I didn't need a newer vehicle, but who was I kidding? My truck is one more major problem away from being a useless piece of metal. I didn't want it to be that way. I knew eventually I would have to replace my truck I'm just not in a financial position to replace it at this time.

So as I say goodbye to my old truck I say hello to new adventures with the car that was provided by this awesome couple who listened to the Lord and met a need, answered a prayer and blessed me beyond all measures! It's hard to say goodbye to a vehicle I've been driving for sixteen years but I know that on the THOUSANDS of miles I put on my truck and the memories that I've made along the way.

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