Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm that kid with a lot of random facts about himself

the 120 most random things I could think of about myself… I’m sure there are more

1. I love music, pop mostly
2. My favorite singer will always be Jaci Velasquez
3. I own at least 700 CDs
4. I have probably 200+ DVDs
5. I own every season of Saved By The Bell, I Love Lucy, Friends, Will & Grace, Heroes, and all the seasons of Big Bang Theory
6. I’m a Belieber
7. I love a good boy band or pop group
8. Concerts are my equivalent to sports events for sports fans
9. I’ve seen 5 Idol contestants concerts (Carrie, Kelly, Daughtry, Kris Allen, & George Huff - season 2)
10. I have a guitar but only know 3 chords
11. I learned to play the flute in middle school
12. I also learned how to play piano… still wish I could play like I used to
13. I have recorded an EP
14. Ted Dekker is my favorite author
15. I’ve read the Twilight Saga & Hunger Games series
16. I refuse to read or support Harry Potter
17. I have a stack of books almost as tall as me that I haven’t read
18. I own like 8 bibles (different versions)
19. Dasani is my choice bottled water
20. I like caffeine free Pepsi better than regular Pepsi
21. I own too many pairs of sunglasses
22. I’m a flip flop junkie
23. Blue and orange are my favorite colors, but I’m not a UF fan
24. I have a degree in business administration, and a minor in accounting
25. I still use my VCR
26. Glee is one of my favorite shows EVER
27. I love blue sweet tarts and prefer them over the other colors
28. Reese’s peanut butter cups are my kryptonite
29. I love a good laugh
30. I saw Audio Adrenaline probably 15 times when they were still a band
31. I’ve lived in 5 states
32. Lake Tahoe Nevada will probably be my most favorite vacation my family took
33. I was born in Longview, Texas
34. I’ve been fired from 2 jobs
35. I am working on my own Christian Clothing line
36. I secretly would love to have Justin Bieber’s career
37. My celebrity crush: Sandra Bullock
38. My man crush: um.... next
39. I hate watching sports on tv
40. My favorite restaurant will always be Chick-Fil-A
41. I love a good road trip
42. I like white chocolate and dark chocolate but not a big fan of regular chocolate
43. I used to be a bartender
44. FUGE camps is where I found my calling
45. I depend on my iPhone way too much
46. Lion King is my favorite movie
47. I love movie series, Fast & Furious, Saw, Star Wars (original trilogy), American Pie (original cast), Austin Powers, Matrix, High School Musical… You get the gist
48. My heart breaks for people with challenging disabilities, I.e. down syndrome
49. I love musicals, grew up on old school ones
50. Express is my favorite clothing store, followed by Rue 21
51. I own a 5 lb dog name Sadie. She’s a chiweenie
52. I have a strange obsession with Rubber Duckies
53. I want an iPad… hopefully soon
54. I love a good your mom or that's what she said joke
55. Jigsaw Puzzles are relaxing and fun to me
56. I’ve had back surgery, lower spinal fusion to be exact
57. I’m one of the few people who actually enjoy counting/rolling loose change
58. My passion in life is to become a recording/touring Christian Artist… think Justin Timberlake meets LMFAO meets Adele… strange combo but just imagine it
59. When my hair is long I straighten it, its naturally wavy. I hate it
60. I spend way too much time on facebook and twitter
61. Britney Spears will always hold a special place in my heart and music mix
62. I own like 15 pairs of blue jeans in various cuts, colors and styles
63. I love rockin’ jhorts
64. Waffles are probably my favorite breakfast food
65. I prefer berry scented candles or air fresheners
66. I don’t like the smell of vanilla or cinnamon anything
67. I enjoy camping but never go
68. I love the beach
69. High school Class of 2002
70. College class of 2007
71. I love a good mix CD, to go along with those road trips
72. I wish I could break dance or street dance like they do in the step up movies
73. If I see the movie in theaters I usually end up buying even if I didn’t like the movie
74. I’m overly organized, sometimes
75. I can’t stand The Fray, Lifehouse, most rap (mostly Christian rap because I feel like they’re trying too hard)
76. I once wanted to be a country singer. Even wrote the perfect song called “cover girl”
77. I have a weird phobia of people sitting behind me
78. I’m a Jersey Shore fan… Idk why. I guess I like seeing a hot mess and know it’s not me
79. I don’t have a favorite band but if I did it would probably be Maroon 5 or Lady Antebellum
80. I’m not scared of roller coasters I just can’t ride them
81. Snakes bother me
82. I love going to zoos and aquariums
83. I played soccer in 5th/6th grade
84. I want to visit France and Egypt
85. I’m jealous of people who can draw
86. I once created a Christian cartoon idea about mushrooms called “shroomz” based on 6 characters. I can still draw them
87. Legos were my favorite toy
88. I want to own my own music themed restaurant called “from the top”
89. Creative ministries holds a special place in my heart
90. I know nothing about comic books but I love superhero movies
91. Grew up watching “I Love Lucy” & “Beverly Hillbillies” still love watching them
92. I’ve only seen one episode and the movie of the Simpsons
93. I love to laugh
94. I am a sucker for teary moments in movies and TV
95. I like sushi
96. I watch too much TV
97. My favorite book of the bible is James/favorite verse James 1:22
98. I’m no photographer but I love to take pictures
99. I like to try different hairstyles
100. I never go to bed when I plan on it
101. I hate using public restrooms
102. I always carry chap stick
103. I usually carry gum
104. I haven’t had a Butterfinger in years
105. Adele can change my mood every time I listen to her. Her voice makes me smile and soothes my soul
106. I wish I could play the drums, and I want to learn how!
107. I’ve had the same cell phone number for 6 years
108. I’ve never served Jury Duty
109. I’ve only had one traffic ticket
110. I know nothing about cars
111. I am not a fan of most college or professional sports
112. Currently I’m reading 5 different books (Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Christian Atheist, Prayer: Does it make a difference, Ephesians: Be Rich, The Priest’s Graveyard)
113. My weakness is shopping
114. I don’t like fake people
115. The most I’ve ever spent on a concert ticket is $200 for Lady Gaga
116. I give most people the benefit of the doubt but I’m also bad to prejudge people
117. I can juggle
118. I learned how to ride a unicycle in middle school
119. I was in the juggling club/juggling gym class in 7th/8th grade.... yea we were cool
120. Theres probably not a day that goes by that I don't wear some type of FUGE Camps clothing item

I think that’s all I can think about to document. There are PLENTY more that I’m sure that I have left out, intentionally or unintentionally. Anyway you get the point. I’m random, there are a lot of facts about me. These are things you should know, things you probably could care less about and maybe even something you didn’t know about me that you find intriguing. For that I say you’re welcome and sorry boutcha.

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