Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm that single kid, but it's ok

Well, here it is. Valentine's Day 2013. Also I'm single for the 5th year. My last valentine's with a girlfriend was February 2008. Do i miss having someone special in my life or do I enjoy being single? Yes to both of these questions. I'm tired of not having someone special who i can call or text and just say hello or see how she is doing. My last girlfriend (yea remember back in 2008) would call me all the time and I got to where I would avoid her phone calls. Not the healthiest relationship ever.... or not at all. I do not miss that relationship even though it was the last time I've had to buy something special for, take out to dinner, you know the cheesy stuff. But as Valentine's Day has fastly approached me yet again. Here I sit, single.. Again.

I know that the Lord has someone special out there for me. The weird part, or at least how I feel, is that I've maybe already met her and let her slip through my hands. Or maybe I haven't met her and I'm still waiting. The Lord works in His time and I have to remember that. I tend to rush things like this. I get anxious about them.

Being single has its perks though. For one I don't have to spend money on anyone except myself. Well I have bills to pay but the rest of the money I have can be spent on me. Also I don't have to worry about someone else's feelings . I don't have to worry if that other person is ok. But as the person that I am I do worry about others. I digress. As a single man I enjoy the freedoms that my committed friends do not get to enjoy. If i want to see a movie I can choose . I can get the snacks I want and I don't have to share! Bonus!!! I'm stingy and I don't like to share my movie snacks.If I want to go out to eat I don't have to worry about what the girl wants to eat.I know I'm selfish.

As far as my future girlfriend, wife, whatever that I am not the greatest guy in the world. I have my flaws. I'm a few pounds overweight (which I'm working on), I'm selfish with my time, movie snacks and money, there are others but I don't want to scare away any possible dates. But also I would love for her to know that I am a genuine,caring person. I am a senesitive guy who loves to laugh, cry and have a great time. I would be committed to her like no other. I would do my best to never make you cry for anything bad, I would do things for you like go out and get you candy at 3 am because you have a craving for snickers bar. I love the Lord and look to him for guidance in my life. I may not have the steadiest of jobs, but I would provide for you the best I could. I would do all that I could to make you happy and care for you like no one else.

I feel like that turned into a sappy letter all of the sudden, sorry about that. The point is that since today is Valentine's day it's a perfect time for me to reflect on love and the things in my life that matter. I have a loving family that loves me through all my faults and strengths. I have friends who, while I never expected to be blessed with, are fun and exciting to be around. I have a job that makes me happy, again not the steadiest of jobs financially, but I truly enjoy what I do. Waiting tables is not everyone's cup of tea but heck I love it. Sure customers make me mad or upset, things don't always go as planned, i may not make very much in tips but I really love it. Serving others in the restaurant industry is parallel to how I view serving others in my community, in the church and with my friends and family. God calls us to love people and to serve them so I try my best everyday. Ok so another tangent but whatever.

I hope that this day brings you enjoyment; whether you are single or in a relationship. If you get presents: enjoy them! If you have to buy them yourself (which is usually what I do) buy yourself something nice! May this be a day to reflect on how much you are loved by those around you and most important love of all; the love of God and how he sent His son to die for yours and my sins. What greater love can there be?!

Much love on this Valentine's Day and to all you single folks out there keep looking.... you never know.

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