Monday, April 09, 2012

I'm that praying kid

two weeks ago as I sat at Karios ( I saw an interesting site. First off, let me start by saying that normally I sit in the very back row of the stadium style seating. Why? well thats another blog for another time, but the short version is i don't like having people sitting behind me... its kind of a phobia (is there a name for that?), but that night I sat in the 6th row on the left-center section. It's funny because I love being as close as possible when it comes to concerts but not in some situations. I really have weird feelings about it.

Anyway, I digress. I saw a young man; probably college age, kneeling/sitting on the front row across the room from me. I found it odd because he never got up. Not when we were singing/worshipping, not once the pastor started, when I left I think he was still in that same spot. Nothing wrong with that. I found it odd because I didn't realize how much the Lord could teach me just in that simple action. Of course I paid attention to Mike (the pastor), but my eyes kept wandering to this young man.

At Kairos, we are currently in a sermon series called "the invisible war". Guess what its about.... spiritual warfare. Perfect topic in church and perfect topic for my life right now. I've heard it said that we really don't realize there's a battle going on for our souls until someone mentions it or there's a sermon on it. So I found it interesting that this young man was praying the entire sermon.

Here's my reasoning. I realized that I should be doing the same, not just at church, but ALL the time. I should constantly be, methaphorically, on my knees in constant prayer. Paul wrote to the church in Ephesis that we should be praying continually (Eph 6:18) He states " And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people" (NIV). My heart began to hurt for this young man. I don't know what he's dealing with and its really none of my business, but what I do know is that I should be praying for him. Even in the middle of a great sermon I found myself praying for him. Knowing that the Lord is merciful and whatever this guy was dealing with that God would bring him comfort and peace.

One thing that stands out to me about this verse in Ephesians is that it says pray CONTINUALLY. We should ALWAYS be praying. I find myself at work sometimes shooting up a quick prayer about getting me through my work day, praying for my coworkers, praying for how I can make a difference while I'm working there. That's a huge task, but I know that God has me there for a reason. I told someone in a text earlier that my current job is my spiritual battle/mission field.

CCM recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman had a song back in 2011 (11 years ago... wow) called "Let Us Pray". In the chorus is talks about praying everyday, all day. AMEN. We should be.

One thing to remember about praying is that it's not simply about talking to the Lord; it's about listening too. let me say that again.... IT'S ABOUT LISTENING TOO!!!! The young man at Kairos is the perfect example. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that he was listening as much or more than he was talking. I find myself talking a lot more than listening, far too often sadly. I've learned over the course of the last few months that sometimes I just have to shut up and listen.

Prayer is such an intrical part of our relationship with the Lord. It's conversation between us and Him. It should not be taken lightly. Paul talked a lot about prayer in different letters to different churches thoughout the New Testament. He encouraged his readers to pray, not only about their own lives, but his as well. He continues in Ephesians 6:19-20 by asking for prayer from his friends in Ephesis as he speaks of the Lord. He was still in prison at this time so who knows who all he may have encountered during that time. He asked from them to pray that he would speak fearlessly of the Lord. I'm encouraged by this because I too want to be a man of faith that will speak FEARLESSLY of the Lord's love for me and others.

Over the next few weeks as I prepare for camp I'll be reading Philip Yancy's book about Prayer. (Prayer, Does it make a difference?). I say this so that I can be held accountable for reading this book. I've always taken prayer for granted and i find myself laying in bed at the end of the day talking to God as I fall asleep and then somehow I've snoozed off and then wake up realizing I didn't finish praying so I keep going like I left off reading a chapter in a book so I'm trying to catch up.

Prayer should not just be the first or last thing of my day but the constant open communication to the Lord about what's going on. Of course He knows. We're not going to say anything that's going to throw Him off gaurd. Sometimes we need to say it 'out loud' for it to be real in our lives. Much like when Jesus asked Peter three times who he said Jesus was. It wasn't because Jesus needed to hear it; it was because Peter needed to hear it come out of his own mouth.

My prayer (i mean it both literally and metaphorically) is that by watching this young man pray the entire corporate gathering; that I will be doing the same. Praying, listening, talking, constant communication with my Father. I need this communication with Him. I've spent too many years of my walk with Him not praying and I'm ashamed of this. But also relieved to be able to speak/write this as a confession and prayer request. Much like Paul in Ephesians, my prayer is that you will partner with me by praying for me as I work on my prayer issues.

When someone asks us to pray for them, don't simply say "I'll pray for you". Stop what you are doing and pray for them, right there, in that moment. It shouldn't be put off. Just like with this young man: I stopped, prayed and continued to pray for him. I don't say that to brag, I say that to show that it it not a difficult task to pray for someone. Pray for others, pray for your concerns, hurts, happiness, and most importantly LISTEN.

The prayers of the faithful are heard. The prayers of the weak and wounded are heard. The prayers of the meek and the bold are heard. We don't have to make it a show of it like the Pharisees, but we should be in constant prayer with the Lord. Prayer should be treated like a converstation with a loved one, whom you share everything with. Because God is the closest love one we can ever have. Don't take that for granted. Be in constant communication with the one who loves us and who wants the absolue best for us.

" Let us pray, let us pray
Everywhere in every way
Every moment of the day
It is the right time
For the Father about
He is listening with love
And He wants to answer us
So let us pray"

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